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 Ten Tips For Budding Authors

 Top 10 Tips to Complete a Creative Writing Proj…

 If The Viewpoint Character Is A Secondary Chara…

 Have You Tested Your Plot?

 Have You Plotted Your Story Before Writing It?

 Does Your Theme Contain Character, Conflict, Re…

 Have You Tested Your Theme Against Your Plot?

 How Are You Plotting?

 Can Your Theme Be Proved In Your Story?

 Do You Know What A Plot Is?

 A Guide to Creative Writing That Sells

 Do You Plot With Your Character In Mind?

 Is The Theme Reinforced In The Ending?

 Why You Need a Newsletter


 Documenting Everything: Your Journal is Your Lo…

 How to Jumpstart your Next Writing Session

 Mission Possible: Get Published with Goals, Gui…

 Writer’s Web Resources

 What Can Go Into A Plot?

 Does Your Story Have A Theme?

 Does Each Element of Your Story Further The Theme?

 Is The Theme Running Throughout The Story?

 Making Freelance Writing Niche Types Fit

 How to Have an Effective Reading Group

 Interviewing an Author: Don’t Be Left Speechless

 Article Writing: How To Use Your Chakra Energy …

 Writing Short Info Reports

 Hooks, Lines & Sinkers

 The Biggest Challenge Facing A Poet, Getting Pu…

 Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes

 Does Your Plot Suit Your Characters And Vice-Ve…

 Guidelines For Reviewing Writing

 English as a Medium For Indian-Writer

 How to Write Bad Poetry

 How to Have an Effective Writing Group

 Learning to Question your Elephant Child: Who, …

 Unusual Points of View

 Have You Completed A Character Questionnaire?

 Writing Tips For Novice Authors
 About Writing

 Realize Your Book’s Potential: Join (or Form) a…

 Essay Reveals a Writer in You

 Ways To Increase Traffic by Writing Articles

 Why Do I Write – A Masochists Dream

 Field Notes on Country Linguistics

 The Right Words Can Make You Wealthy

 Four Useful Lies About Writing

 Secrets to Creating Great Headlines

 ***Writing Is Fun!***

 The Golden Hour

 How the Writer Survives

 Speak and Touch the Heart

 Benefits of Journal Writing

 The Indie Author Revolution

 The effective way to purchase your favorite pro…

 Five Ways A Writer Can Make More Money With A P…

 The Three “Questions” Of Science Fiction

 Steps to a Writing an Effective Press Releases

 5 Questions to ask before purchasing a book online

 Writing Nonfiction

 “I Am An AUTHOR” – Is This The Next Big Fad?

 It Was Good Enough For Shakespeare!

 Tips For Cover Letters To Get More Interviews

 How To Select a Great Topic For Your Book or Eb…

 The “Casablanca” Secret

 How To Select a Great Topic For Your Book or Eb…

 Discover What Good Writing Is All About

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