Eating crystallized ginger or adding some grated ginger in your drink will be enough as a home remedy for your headache. Using fresh or powdered ginger when cooking your food will do just as well. Essential Oils Peppermint oil is also a well known home remedy for headache. Just put a couple of drops of this aromatic oil into a carrier oil or lotion and rub around your temple, neck and forehead. While all these are benign or are headaches that are not fatal, the chronic attacks from these produce episodes of debilitated lives and this not need be the case. There are a number of very effective headache cures out there for even the most stubborn and severe chronic headache. More often than not, the reason why headache cures don't work is that an individual may be taking incorrect medication. Migraine headaches can also be accompanied by other physical problems such as sensitivity to light, sound and odors as well as nausea and vomiting. Migraine does not announce itself in a set of early symptoms. The recurring headaches just happen, often catching the person by surprise. There is however one kind where in the person may see a visual hallucination, called an aura, before the actual migraine headache occurs. Usually triggered by food, stress, heat or cold temperature, strong smells, emotions, fatigue, or hormonal fluctuations, experts say that people who are anxious and depressed are more prone to migraine. Tension headache, on the other hand, is considered as the common type of headache people suffer from. People from the medical field have categorized these into two: the Prophylactic treatment that is done every day to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and Abortive treatment that is done once the headache attack begins. A physician usually suggests prophylactic treatment only if the person is experiencing numerous headache attacks monthly. Migraine headaches are brought about by the sudden shrinking and then swelling of blood vessels in the head that causes the pain. Migraine headaches can be triggered by a lot of things. Tension, for one, is one major trigger of migraines in a lot of people. Fatigue, hunger, bright lights and a variety of different foods and beverages can also be possible migraine triggers.
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