Just like how employee goals are made achievable, they should also be made realistic so the attainable ends would be realized by the completion or realization of the employee goal. Timely The employee goals should also be set with definite and objective deadlines or time frames. Be reminded that sometimes, deadlines are necessary because they encourage activity and productivity. By knowing oneself better, and humbly admitting shortcomings and realizing talents and skills, one can estimate his or her own capability or capacity, which, in the long run, would be helpful in other and various aspects of life. Another, goal setting would give you something to measure your progress and would facilitate in evaluating whether you are close or are far from getting or achieving your ultimate target. What you will need is a procedure in which you can monitor each step of the goal so as to make the necessary revisions. And since goal setting is never done to isolate yourself from the rest, make it a habit to surround yourself with people that share your vision. This will help you in motivating more of yourself into achieving what you have decreed for your self earlier. That could be an impossible life goal, but you can dream of something bigger for yourself. Know yourself, your likes and what really would make you happy. Follow your instincts when setting goals. Be positive. Remember, being optimistic would help you achieve and set better life goals for yourself. Having a good feeling about a goal would definitely help you put out all of your heart and efforts to achieving that goal. Remember that any planning or goal setting entails much work, particularly on the part of execution. But remember to balance caution with boldness. If the goal or plan is way below to your capacity, your tendency is to be lax, and this will not develop your productivity. The essence of planning and goal setting is to improve or elevate your performance. By that, goals are becoming more effective when looking out at progress and developments in sports trainings and practices. Goals must be realistic, but at the same time difficult. Challenging goals provide more motivation and force athletes to strive better and release more effort, making them stronger and more determined, traits that would really be advantageous in the long run.
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