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Commonality of Headaches in MS - National MS Society

Experts believe that migraine is hereditary as researches have revealed more than 80 percent of people suffering from it have a family history of the problem. Migraine headaches may not seem so serious but without proper care and proper diagnosis, those headaches may develop into something more. It is recurrent and may be a manifestation of an underlying problem in the brain that can be really dangerous. It is important for doctors to learn what causes it in order to give you the proper treatment. Most over-the-counter headache medicines work as pain relievers and may not treat the root cause of your headache. Although they are primarily safe, non-prescription headache medicines should also be taken with utmost caution. In cases like these, it is extremely helpful to acquire the habit of taking note of one's headache with the use of a headache diary. The importance of correctly diagnosing the root cause of the headache cannot be stressed enough because it is not only important to get the right treatment and cure but sometimes, headaches are symptoms of much more serious health problems. Research has not been able to pinpoint the cause of tension headaches. Regular people think this is caused by stress. The person could be working on the computer the whole day and develops eyestrain or there is a lot of pressure from the office. What are the symptoms of tension headaches? Mostly, people will feel pain in the forehead even all the way down to the back of the neck. Based on medical findings, the most common symptom of severe headache is related to a migraine attack caused by the dilation of blood vessels on the brain. Severe headache usually leads to vomiting, distorted vision, nausea, dizziness, and the like. What you can do is to take over-the-counter medication such as oral analgesics like aspirin, ibuprofen, or paracetamol can provide relief and are best if taken as soon as symptoms start to occur. Try listening to a relaxing music while lying down or resting. - Exercise regularly. Physical activities like regular exercise can relieve stress because it can loosen up the knots and balls of pain in your head. - Get enough sleep. Having six to eight hours of sleep can help you soothe your tired nerves. 

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