Infections in the different areas of the body such as the nose, throat, and ear can cause major headache. Characterized by fever, nausea, muscle aches, chills, and diarrhea, Bacterial disease such as ehrlichiosis can be a major cause of headache. Make sure that you visit your physician to get proper treatment. The most common practice in relieving headache during pregnancy is by taking in pain medications. Doctors say that acetaminophen is safe to take in as long as proper dosage is administered. But, aside from acetaminophen, painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen, and most prescription headache medicines are restricted to women who are pregnant. To narrow down the problem, a blood test and a neurological exam will be done on the patient. Two of these tests are the CT scan and the electroencephalogram or EEG. If the brain activity is normal and there are no problems inside like a broken blood vessel or tumor, only then can doctors say it is a chronic headache. Migraine headaches can also be accompanied by other physical problems such as sensitivity to light, sound and odors as well as nausea and vomiting. Migraine does not announce itself in a set of early symptoms. The recurring headaches just happen, often catching the person by surprise. There is however one kind where in the person may see a visual hallucination, called an aura, before the actual migraine headache occurs. Make sure that you read the label of any medication that you plan to take. Different drugs can have different reactions and it would be helpful if you know beforehand what type of drugs that you have allergic reactions to. When taking such drugs, try also to remember not to exceed the required dose as instructed. At the height of a cluster headache attack, even morphine does very little to assuage the pain. This piece of information is from the few individuals who have actually been correctly diagnosed with cluster headache. Usually, severe headaches are just thought to be migraines but unfortunately remain understood and untreated.
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