Characterized by a tight band of pressure around a person s head, heavy throbbing of temples, light and sound sensitivity, vomiting, general muscle aches, difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep, chronic fatigue, irritability and disturbed concentration, tension headache is said is traced from physical or emotional stress. This occurs when the person is suffering from a tension, migraine or sinus headache even if the root causes are different. Most people who experience a headache will not be able to think straight or able to do any work. Even if it is mild attack, the person should go to the nurses office like those available in the school or office infirmary. But when the headache becomes worse, make sure that you visit your health care provider because it can also be an indication of more serious illnesses like meningitis or the inflammation of the meninges or membrane around a person s brain; sub-arachnoid haemorrhage due a bleeding in the space between the brain and the arachnoid layer of the meninges, stroke, blood pressure, brain tumor, and temporal arteritis due to the inflammation of the arteries in the scalp. This includes maintaining a proper diet by avoiding foods such as chocolate, caffeine or alcohol that can trigger a migraine attack. Living a stress-free life can also help in keeping migraine in check. Meditation and relaxation exercises such as Yoga can also help prevent further migraine attacks. The use of biofeedback therapy has also been found helpful in trying to prevent migraine attacks by effectively helping relax the mind. People from the medical field have categorized these into two: the Prophylactic treatment that is done every day to reduce the severity and frequency of attacks and Abortive treatment that is done once the headache attack begins. A physician usually suggests prophylactic treatment only if the person is experiencing numerous headache attacks monthly. If this runs in the family and a blood test has confirmed the suspicions of the physician, a solution can be planned before it is too late. The only way to lower the high blood pressure will be for the person to make some lifestyle changes. This usually includes eating healthy, and exercising with the objective of losing those excess pounds so the good cholesterol in the body is balanced against the bad cholesterol.
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