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Asthma Treatment Guidelines - Ventolin, Fluticasone, and Prednisone

This way, avoiding attacks is a piece of cake and living with asthma means living with fresh, breathable air. To help eliminate these irritants in the home and work place, don t allow cigarette smoking. All smoke should be outside, and no asthma sufferer should smoke cigarettes. This will definitely make asthma problems worse, and could cause an asthma attack. The actual diagnosis of asthma is something much greater than just a little coughing and should be taken very seriously. There are many types of asthma but the medical definition is "a disease of the windpipe (bronchial tubes) which carry air to and from the lungs." Asthma has no set diagnosis; the journey from first warning sign symptoms to a full blown diagnosis of asthma is long and complicated. They are one of the at risk groups, and they don t always associate the symptoms of asthma as an attack but prefer to simply put it down to old age. Age does not mean that they require any less of the lifestyle that we would expect for ourselves or our children, in fact they need it to be controlled so that their life is improved slightly more as with age we all get slower to fight of infection. Children Pre- school children obviously need help with managing their medication, and an adult must give it to them till they learn how themselves. Even so mum or dad should routinely check to make sure they are keeping the medication in check. Never treat a child with asthma different to their siblings for fear you will cause an attack as this could cause problems in the family with sibling resentment. Living with Asthma: Learn the Facts Living with asthma can mean living with confusion, pain, and difficult breathing troubles that make even gasping for air seem impossible. But when you know the facts about living with asthma, it gets a whole lot easier. Learn what you can do to make asthma easier for you, and your family. To learn specific information about the medication you ve been prescribed, look to the Internet for information and tips on how to store, use, and take your medication properly. Living with asthma means learning how to breathe in an environment that may not always be asthma-friendly. You ll have to do what you can to avoid smoke, even eliminating smoke in the home so that asthma isn t aggravated or breathing troubles made worse. 

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