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Asthma Treatment, Symptoms, Pathophysiology, Nursing Interventions NCLEX Review Lecture

Pets can trigger asthma and it is better if you do not have any pets if you are a sufferer, but if you do have pets take as many precautions as you can, keep the pet outside if possible and never let pets in the bedroom. Any mould in the home can be a potential trigger and if inhaled can cause an attack. If you want to know more about how you can breathe easy, even when you re living with asthma, check the Internet. You ll find a world full of resources, including tips and advice, that s completely free (and right at your fingertips). The Internet is always a great place to trade information and connect with others. No symptoms, you are able to stretch yourself to the limits of your abilities, participate in normal, everyday activities, and even exert yourself to perform at your peak physical limits for decent periods of time. School or work isn t, at this point, posing a problem and your sleep is uninterrupted through the night. And with asthma, it's important to remember that symptoms vary based on the individual who's gotten them. Even the season may make one person seem as two, the first thing it's important to do? Talk with your doctor about you. Ask him the questions you need to know for your particular case, and keep the channels of communication open. -Clean all areas the pet travels often using a vacuum with HEPA (high-efficiency particular air) filter. -Use a HEPA air purifier in the bedroom. -Don t allow your pet in the bedroom. Also, keep it off upholstered furniture, carpet, or other soft surfaces where allergens accumulate. Finally, always think of yourself first. Never treat a child with asthma different to their siblings for fear you will cause an attack as this could cause problems in the family with sibling resentment. Don t be afraid to discipline them all the same. As long as long as your Childs school is aware of the problem and the medication that is needed your child should on the whole enjoy a normal full time education. 

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