Only your doctor can tell you where you fit in this schism, what these zones involve, and about the three different plans of action for what you need to do, and how fast, in different situations. THE GREEN ZONE: This is the ideal place to be. No symptoms, you are able to stretch yourself to the limits of your abilities, participate in normal, everyday activities, and even exert yourself to perform at your peak physical limits for decent periods of time. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to assist in the conclusive determination as to whether the disease is present or not. Misdiagnosis: However, just because you ve got symptoms doesn t always mean you re infected with asthma. One example is you may get tightness in your chest or wheezing during or just after exercise. Your pharmacist can answer any questions you may have about your asthma medication. Getting into a routine with medication, and learning how to use it properly, will making living with asthma much more manageable. To find more information about asthma and assorted asthma medications, look for online resources. They have to accept that their asthma is only a little portion of their life not the whole of it. They can fit their medication into a daily plan that still lets them carry on their life. Sport and exercise is excellent for them as it helps build stronger lungs and overall health. Discourage the use of drugs and smoking that can aggravate and in some cases bring on a severe attack. Bottom line is if your doctor determines an animal in your home as a potential trigger to your symptoms, it is of paramount importance to remove the animal, or at least quarantine them from your home. That s it; the single best way to assure control over your asthma symptoms due to pet residue. Deciding to keep the pet despite your allergies will surely increase the severity of your symptoms over time. The Internet is always a great place to trade information and connect with others. In fact, you ll find plenty of other asthma sufferers that can share their first-hand opinions and stories. Learn how you can deal with living with asthma, and still breathe easy, with the online community. There s a lot of other asthma sufferers out there, and they each have something to offer.
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