Reflexologists are not licensed to provide medical recommendations or suggestions regarding your health condition. In the same way is reflexology not considered a cure or treatment for any kind of illness. Itis merely a complementary therapy to induce relaxation and provide relief from stress and tension. It is possible that the principle of applying pressure of the body's extremities and nerve endings to induce relaxation is a shared discovery by these ancient cultures. In India their version of reflexology is called the Ayurvedic Reflexology. Although those in practice do not refer to it as another type of reflexology but an entirely different method borne out of a fusion of two principles, reflexology and Ayurveda, the traditional Indian health system. The rule here is to start at the toes of the person and work your way towards the heel. Once done with that part, you can now go for the top of the foot. Make sure that you cover the whole foot at least twice, and the ankle should not be left out as well. While doing these actions, it is proper to ask your friend if you are doing it right. If the stress will make your mind and body un-stable, the relaxation stage on the other hand will ensure that your body and mind will be on the right balance. And aside from those physical effects of relaxation, it is shown as well that this will increase the person's energy and focus and can also help alleviate pain. If the person really wants to undergo reflexology, then the treatment can still push through provided that the focus is not on the feet. The reflexology practitioner may focus on the ears of the person. This is also not recommended for people suffering from thrombosis or embolism. In the medical world, this is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery by the blood clot. So strongly consider getting the right set of skills and consider getting certified so that you can practice reflexology and do your part in helping people dismiss the aches and the pains and say hello to relaxation. As of this time, there are only two states in the United States that has the authority to license reflexology practitioners.
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