For instance, the Chinese apply pressure through the use of needles, now popularly known as acupuncture while the Egyptians use the hands to apply pressure on the feet. But the same pressure point principle is observed in the entire reflexology community. They all follow a certain scaled down body map on the base of the foot. If the person complains of pain during the therapy, then the therapist will work on the area in order to un-do the pain. What are the common experiences during treatment sessions? There is a wide range of feelings and emotions that can be felt if someone undergoes reflexology treatment sessions. The most common is pain and this can be expected. Reflexology is not for everybody though, those with severe skin and irregular circulatory conditions, and foot and hand trauma are not advised to undergo reflexology treatments. Skin conditions include severe dermatitis and similar infections. Circulatory conditions include severe varicosities and its other forms. Will there be a complete cessation of the pain? Will the reported illnesses and diseases be automatically wiped out? Well not exactly; if you are one of those wondering what happens at the end of each session then the best thing to do is to check out the things listed below. What happens at the end of your session? In the medical world, this is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery by the blood clot. Performing the treatment on the person suffering from these will only compromise his health. So the best thing to do is to wait until this medical issue has been resolved. Care should be exercised by women who are pregnant when deciding that a reflexology is right for them. Now hold the foot that you want to massage, and you can start the massaging process by using the thumb. Just apply pressure to the sole. In applying pressure to that area, make sure that you are firm but not exactly using too much force. The rule here is to start at the toes of the person and work your way towards the heel.
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