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4 Tips for surviving holiday heartburn


A lot of heartburn sufferers today are what you can call pill poppers because they are told by medical professionals that taking drugs is the only way to alleviate the symptoms associated by heartburn. This means that whenever they experience heartburn, they pop the pills to relieve the symptoms. This is not really a good thing to do as you will become dependent on the pills and you are actually letting heartburn take control of your life. After eating, you need to avoid lying down as this is the best position for the stomach acid to flow back or reflux in to your esophagus. If you are suffering from nighttime heartburn, the best thing that you can do is to elevate your head when you lie down. But, don t try using more pillows to do this as this can worsen heartburn as it will increase pressure on your stomach. Aloe Vera juice is also effective as a natural remedy for heartburn. This is because Aloe Vera juice is a natural alkaline liquid. When you drink Aloe Vera, it will neutralize the acidity in your stomach and it also helps in the healing process of the LES tissue. These are some of the home remedies that you can do in order for you to treat heartburn effectively. If not treated, heartburn can result to a more serious condition, such as scarring of the esophagus and on rare cases, it can even cause cancer of the esophagus. So, what causes you to experience heartburn? Primarily, diet is the main culprit for experiencing heartburn. Certain foods are notorious for causing heartburn. Heartburn: Foods to Eat and Avoid For Treating Heartburn Heartburn is an age old condition that millions of people experiences. Also known as acid reflux and pyrosis, heartburn is in no way related to the heart. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition. Heartburn happens when we regurgitate stomach acid and when it reaches our esophagus. This procedure will tighten your LES muscle and the muscle will be tied in such a way to prevent acid from flowing back in to the esophagus. This surgical procedure produced 85 percent success rate and is the last resort for treating heartburn. These are the different types of drugs and surgery that you can consider if you are suffering from heartburn. 

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