Chronic heartburn will rob you of a normal life. You won t be able to sleep because of the pain and also reduce your activities because of the discomfort you will experience from heartburn. So, if you are experiencing heartburn, you may be wondering when you should seek professional medical help. You have to remember that heartburn can be managed and controlled through lifestyle modifications as well as the use of antacids or acid blockers. You also have to avoid wearing tight fitting clothes as this can produce pressure on your midsection forcing stomach contents, such as stomach acid, upwards to your esophagus. After eating, avoid lying down. Use gravity to your advantage. Sit, stand up or walk around for at least 3 hours after a big meal. So, lifestyle modification is needed in order for you to prevent heartburn or at least lessen its frequency. The first thing you need to do is to avoid eating hard and crunchy food. These foods are hart to digest and it can also cause damage to your lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES acts as a valve that lets food in to the stomach and keeps stomach acid out. Green tea and chamomile tea can work very well in helping with digestive problems, such as heartburn. There are also people who say that ginger tea works best for treating heartburn. Try drinking tea once a day and you will see a big difference as it will be able to reduce the frequency of heartburn you experience. But, you have to remember that relief will only be temporary and over the counter heartburn drugs will not prevent heartburn from returning and it will also not allow an injured esophagus to heal. The rule here is to see the doctor if you need antacids to get relief from heartburn for more than 2 weeks. And, you will also taste something bitter or sour when you experience heartburn. This is mainly the stomach acid reaching your throat and mouth. Most people treat heartburn symptoms through lifestyle modification and the use of antacids. But, for some people, this doesn t work. If you still suffer from heartburn symptoms despite making lifestyle changes and using antacids, it may be a sign that you are suffering from a more serious condition where heartburn is only a symptom.
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