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How to avoid heartburn | in good shape - Interview


If the stomach acid travels beyond the esophagus and makes its way in to your mouth, you will experience a bitter or sour taste. This is called regurgitation and is common after eating meals especially when you lie down, bend over or strain. You need to keep in mind that frequent heartburn means exposing your esophagus to stomach acid for long periods of time. You have to know that millions of people from different parts of the world suffer from heartburn and it is also a very old condition that humans suffer from. If you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to treat it in order to prevent heartburn attacks or at least lessen its frequency. When stomach acid comes in to contact with our esophagus, it will cause irritation and we will feel that burning sensation that starts in our diaphragm all the way to our chest, which is basically what we all know as heartburn. It s an unpleasant feeling that you have to learn how to prevent in order for you to continue living a normal life and also keep your body healthy. Heartburn: Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Prevent Heartburn Thanks to man s innovation and advancement in technology, we are now able to live comfortably and easily. However, it also brought us problems that we need to learn to deal with. Primarily, the comfort and convenience of modern life have increased the risk of heart related diseases, such as hypertension and stroke. Tips That Can Help Prevent Heartburn from Affecting Your Life If you suffer from heartburn, then you have to remember that you re not alone. Heartburn is a condition that millions of people today are suffering from. It is also an age-old condition that people have been experiencing. You have to keep in mind that heartburn is a common condition that is treatable and even preventable. You have to keep in mind that the sphincter acts as a valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. When you eat certain foods that weaken or relax the sphincter, it will allow stomach acid to reach the esophagus, which ultimately causes heartburn. This means you should avoid coffee, chocolates, onions, peppermint, and citric fruits, such as oranges and pineapple. 

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