Sometimes you will regurgitate and taste something bitter or sour in your mouth during an episode of heartburn. This is because the stomach acid may have reached your mouth, which explains the sour or bitter taste. Mild cases of heartburn are considered more of a nuisance than a real condition that can have a large impact on people s life. This will help dilute the acid in your stomach, which will make it less potent. Lastly, if you must eat meat, you have to eat lean meat that has little fat on it. Chicken, fish and turkey are acceptable meats that can help decrease the likelihood of you experiencing heartburn. These are the foods that you can and cannot eat. If you are pregnant, you have to be prepared to experience heartburn as this will be very common. Now, you need to keep in mind that although this condition is painful and extremely uncomfortable to experience, it is a condition that will not harm the baby inside your tummy. But, it is still uncomfortable and you want to control or manage it or at least decrease its frequency. A lot of people experiences heartburn for at least once every month. However, if you continue experiencing heartburn every day, then you are suffering from a chronic or severe type of heartburn, which can prevent you from living a normal life. Chronic heartburn is also a sign or symptom of a more serious condition called GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Well, if you experience heartburn once a month, this is considered to be acute or mild. If you experience heartburn once a week, this is a moderate case of heartburn. But, when you experience heartburn in an everyday basis, this is what is considered as a chronic or severe case of heartburn. For people who experiences mild cases of heartburn, this can be easily be managed with a change in diet. So, lifestyle modification is needed in order for you to prevent heartburn or at least lessen its frequency. The first thing you need to do is to avoid eating hard and crunchy food. These foods are hart to digest and it can also cause damage to your lower esophageal sphincter or LES. The LES acts as a valve that lets food in to the stomach and keeps stomach acid out.
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