All of this can be remedied or at the very least controlled. The Daily Plan You take your inhaler three or four times a day and that will help you to keep it under control, then of course you have your emergency alleviator that gives instant relief from a severe attack of breathlessness. Some people have to take their inhaler through a thing called a spacer, this is especially good for children as well as it gives the child chance to breath a couple of times instead of trying to take their inhaler in one go. For this discussion today, let s say there are three 'zones' in the life of an asthmatic. Only your doctor can tell you where you fit in this schism, what these zones involve, and about the three different plans of action for what you need to do, and how fast, in different situations. THE GREEN ZONE: This is the ideal place to be. Ask him the questions you need to know for your particular case, and keep the channels of communication open. If you have a question, you should always ask. If symptoms feel like they are getting worse, they probably are. Remember; never take heresy or urban legend as fact. Doctors are the only ones qualified to treat your individual case, no matter what "cure-all" you see on TV. Some circumstances you should come equipped with for the doctors evaluation are: - Your medical history - What your symptoms are How frequently they occur How they change with medication Individual triggers for symptoms - Your own allergies - Your family history On your visit, a doctor will test your lung function, using peak flow monitoring and spirometry to determine how quickly you expel air. Eliminating breathing irritants in the environment is the best way to combat asthma attacks, and make living with asthma an attack-free experience. These irritants include dust mites, pet dander, pollen, and smoke. Though it s impossible to free the world of these breathing irritations, you can help free your home of them. Smoking of course is bad for everyone s health and can make asthma even worse. Always make sure that your teenagers teachers and school mates know they suffer with asthma so that they will no what to do in case of an attack and make sure they keep their inhalers with them wherever they go. Teenagers Teenagers may have the view that asthma interferes with their life, making them different from their friends.
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