Oftentimes, certain campaigns are purely aimed at providing education about sports nutrition but there are others which launch such programs in support of a sales and marketing strategy. One should be careful with these types as the efforts may be too sales-oriented and may take for granted individual needs and concerns. It s not just that the topics are different the emphasis and approach have also changed. Today, go into almost any supermarket, convenience stores and even school cafeterias and you ll find a ready supply of sports drinks aimed at maintaining hydration just like glucose solutions. The difference is that by using soluble long-chain glucose polymers instead of simple glucose, it s now possible to create an isotonic hydrating drink which also supplies significant amounts of carbohydrate to working muscles. Minerals for injury prevention Minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc are especially important for athletes. Recommendations of calcium intake are based on levels than can promote calcium retention, maximize bone mineral density, and inhibit bone loss. Food that provide good calcium stores are the following: dairy products, fish with bones, broccoli, and fortified cereals and juices. What Keeps The Athletes Going If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who don t need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going. Lutein helps reduce the risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration, which can cause loss of vision. Green vegetables are also rich in sulforaphane, isocyanate and indoles which hamper the action of carcinogens. WHITE Allicin, which are found in garlic, leeks, and onions, helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. If this is the case, your metabolism slows down since there is a need to conserve calories that have been used and also since your muscles will be used as sources of energy. So listen to these tips and you will be on your way to stardom as a successful athlete, but still keep your sports nutrition health very much intact.
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