Though there are similarities in applications, it should be reminded that technically the two are different. Just take a look at massage. When you are doing the massage, the force and touch is often applied to the muscles and the soft tissues of your body. Reflexology on the other hand focuses on the nerve endings. This is often the go-to procedure that is looking for an immediate relief from stress and aches of the body. On the assertion that reflexology can also help arrest and counter some health conditions and illnesses, it is believed that the effects are not clear. There are still some studies and verifications that need to be done in order to establish the efficacy of reflexology in addressing diseases and other health concerns. At least with the nationally certified therapist, you can be sure that you are getting your money's worth. Consider the kind of therapy and massage that they offer. What is their style in conducting the therapy sessions? Does he use firm pressure to get the desired results? And finally after asking all these questions, the last logical thing to ask is the cost of the services and the mode of payment. There is a tight feeling of tension within the body as if the uterus is being choked. However, that feeling is only caused by the swelling brought about by the hormonal changes in the body during this time of the menstrual cycle. Constant pressure applied to this area will relieve affected females of the menstrual pain that could often lead to being immobile for a day or two. But if you are not, then your state has its own set of regulations so you may have to personally check out their websites or related organizations. It all starts with trainings and certifications You need to have the right trainings and certifications in order to practice reflexology. Now the good news is that there are a number of training schools that offer trainings and seminars. Others report that they have that strong desire to laugh, cry or even sleep. There are those patients that report that after they receive the therapies or on the process of being massage, they feel that the muscles start to relax. And they also add that their feeling of pain and discomfort in many parts of their bodies has evaporated.
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