In human anatomy, the gall bladder is indeed located inside the liver. The point of the solar plexus is also located in the middle of the diaphragm which is also the same positioning in an actual human body. The entirety of the stomach's pressure points houses the pressure points of these other digestive system organs such as the spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys, and appended on the lower part of it is the pressure point of the colon and small intestines. But as far back as the 1913, this form of therapy was already discovered but in a different name. This was first known as the 'Zone Therapy' and it was the American surgeon named William Fitzgerald who first studied these. In the studies that was conducted by Dr. Fitzgerald, he noted that there are zones that can be found on the hands, the feet and the tongue of the person and that all these zones are linked or connected to the many parts of the body. Backache caused by high heels and uneven soles can be relieved by pressing the arc or rolling a massager on it. From a quarter of the feet's structure, you can actually help yourself be relieved from additional pain and stress on your upper body parts by applying pressure. Studies have shown that reflexology has no medically proven curative properties, but then, reflexology is not about curing but about providing ease from tension and stress by allowing the blood to circulate properly. Well not exactly; if you are one of those wondering what happens at the end of each session then the best thing to do is to check out the things listed below. What happens at the end of your session? All of these practitioners of reflexology are trained to end the session in a calming way. They are trained to calmly end the therapy session, and they can do that by the simple and the careful stroking of the hand or the foot of the person. As the therapy session progresses, there will come a point when the practitioner will come across 'tightness.' When this is evident, the therapist will normally apply pressure on that affected area so that the body can revert back to its normal state. Another concern that may be met during the sessions is pain. " There is also evidence that some basic, derivative form of physical therapy involving foot massage was a common practice by the Chinese since 2330 BCE. Moreover, North American Indians back in the 17th century were reportedly given the gift of this ancient medical knowledge when it was eventually passed on to them by members of the Peruvian Inca civilization.
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