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Beyond Medicine | Reflexology | Zone Therapy Documentary


But other than this, there is a host of feelings, experiences and emotions that are often reported by the participants and patients. For example there is a set of patients that will tell of the feeling of lightness or that feeling of warmth every time they are under the therapy sessions. Or the more imaginative patients, they would often report that feeling of being open- as if there is energy movement. Medical science has also claimed internal organ failures and other kinds of illnesses are often stress related. So how does reflexology work? Reflexology uses a map of the hands and feet, the map indicates the body parts and the organs to which the hands and feet points represent. In most reflexology practices the feet are primarily used for the pressure points, though the map for the hands are also useful for those who would like to perform reflexology on themselves. Will there be a complete cessation of the pain? Will the reported illnesses and diseases be automatically wiped out? Well not exactly; if you are one of those wondering what happens at the end of each session then the best thing to do is to check out the things listed below. What happens at the end of your session? The best part is that you can easily get into that relaxation state, and you don't need to actually work on it. There are a number of massages and therapies that can be performed on you so that you can realize the relaxing stage. One such technique is through the adoption of reflexology. There is a science behind reflexology, and the relaxation stage that you will feel is just one of its many effects. When a full foot or hand massage is given it will be as if the entire body is being massaged and relaxed because all of its nerve ending are present on these two extremities. That is what makes reflexology a very effective method of inducing relaxation to its patients. However, reflexologists and patients alike must remember that the session must take place an at least an hour after meals and the patient must be in a comfortable position for she will be subject to a major pressing action. You can also get in touch with massage schools since right now these schools also carry reflexology subjects and courses. But it should be noted that the massage therapists and the reflexology therapists are different. But the two overlap in a sense that the massage therapists also tackle some areas of reflexology. 

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