Or the more imaginative patients, they would often report that feeling of being open- as if there is energy movement. And that they can sense that the energy is flowing and moving from one of their organ to the next! And for many, they often report that they feel a host of reactions. Some of these reactions include perspiration on the feet and the hands, feeling of cold or chilled and sometimes crying. But it should be noted that the massage therapists and the reflexology therapists are different. But the two overlap in a sense that the massage therapists also tackle some areas of reflexology. If you want to get the right trainings, then what you can do is to perform some checks online and look around. A doctor who formerly specialized in ear-nose-throat surgery introduced techniques to cut body pain without using chemical medication to mainstream society in the United States. William Fitzgerald pioneered applying therapeutic pressure to particular areas in the foot to cut throbbing in other parts of the body, which enabled him to apply less anaesthesia to his patients when performing minor surgical operations. It should be about an inch in length. This area represents the breast, chest and the lungs. This will ease the tension the patient is feeling and allow blood to circulate and for oxygen to be distributed from the lungs. The heart pressure point is located on the soles of the feet directly below the big toes. The point of the solar plexus is also located in the middle of the diaphragm which is also the same positioning in an actual human body. The entirety of the stomach's pressure points houses the pressure points of these other digestive system organs such as the spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, kidneys, and appended on the lower part of it is the pressure point of the colon and small intestines. Always return to your physician according to your schedule to continue your medication so you can be sure of a speedy recovery. Reflexology is not for everybody though, those with severe skin and irregular circulatory conditions, and foot and hand trauma are not advised to undergo reflexology treatments.
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