The focus on the foot as the main gateway to getting well can be traced to a number of studies and researches made in the past. Based on these researches, the anatomy of the person can be traced to the sole of the foot. For example, the heart and the rest of the organs have representations on the foot of the person. Ayurveda also encourages the use of herbal medicines as a result of our harmonious coexistence with nature. It focuses on the prevention of illnesses rather than cure. Daily massage is an inherent part of the Ayurvedic healing. A full body and hand massage is recommended each day before breakfast. If a full body massage can be undertaken, then vital energy parts can be massaged such as the head, temples, face and ears to maintain good health. This kind of practice is believed by practitioners as not part of traditional reflexology. For them, this is just modified from auricular therapy which is more related to acupuncture. So what can be expected from reflexology? As mentioned, this is all about the reduction of stress. This is often the go-to procedure that is looking for an immediate relief from stress and aches of the body. There is even that wall painting that has been discovered in Egypt that shows two men working on the feet and the hands of two men. This is an early indication that in Egypt during that time, this form of therapy is already being practiced. There are some evidences as well that point to the early adoption of this therapy in China. Reflexology on the other hand focuses on the nerve endings. When undergoing reflexology, it should be noted that the procedure is not painful. But at times there will be that uncomfortable feeling especially if the targeted areas are too stressed. But the nice thing is that the most expert therapist knows how to temper the pain. When you are looking for a therapist that can address your needs, bear in mind that you are looking for the person with the right amount of training and the right amount of experience and exposure to the therapy. This is critical because there are a number of pseudo-therapists out there that says they are competent, but if you check their credentials then you will learn that they only attended a crash course in reflexology.
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