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Remedies for heartburn


This is why you have to know how to manage heartburn in order for you to prevent it from developing more severe complications, which can really have a negative effect on your body. So, how do you manage heartburn? For starters, you need to know what causes heartburn in order for you to have an idea on how to manage it. As a matter of fact, heartburn is a digestive condition where stomach acid comes in contact with the esophagus. When this happens, you will feel a burning sensation that starts on your diaphragm and work its way up to your chest. And, in most cases, you will even regurgitate and experiencing having a sour or bitter taste on your mouth. This will record the level of acidity in the lower of esophagus. This method is called Esophageal pH Monitoring, which can be sued to document acid reflux in real time. In the mechanical method, the doctor will try a method called Manometry. This method is where the doctor will insert a pressure sensor or a manometer through the mouth and in to the esophagus. If this is so, then your health care provider or doctor may prescribe you some of these drugs. After antacids, the next group of drugs that you may need to take for easing heartburn symptoms is histamine-2 blockers. Most drugs of this type may be purchased over the counter and what it does is that it decreases the amount of acid that your stomach produces. When it is relaxed or is weakened, stomach acid can get through the sphincter and eventually irritate it and cause heartburn. So, just what causes the sphincter to weaken or relax? There are certain foods that can weaken the sphincter. Foods such as chocolates, coffee, alcohol, peppermint, fried and fatty food, as well as soda and citric fruits like oranges and pineapple. Carbonated drinks increase the amount of gas in the body, which will eventually put pressure on the stomach. On the other hand, water does not and it will help flush down stomach acid. The sixth way is to drink a cup of green tea every day. The antioxidants in green tea will help get rid of unwanted toxins in your body. 

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