Here are some useful tips that would surely help you teach your teens to effectively set their goals: Explain to the teen why goals, be it for the short term or the long term, are very crucial and important. Sometimes, teens would not understand why they would have to set goals when there is no guaranty that these goals would ever be achieved. Realistic Employee goals should also be made realistic by infusing concept of practicality, achievability and possibility. Just like how employee goals are made achievable, they should also be made realistic so the attainable ends would be realized by the completion or realization of the employee goal. With your constant interaction with other people, you may come across with ideas that haven t entered your realization earlier. The performance of these people, moreover, can be very beneficial to you. Their experiences might shed some light on things that continue to baffle you in the first place. Your colleagues experiences in the workplace can be a rich source of knowledge in terms of performance assessment. Priorities are things that should be given primary and foremost focus and attention. The same goes for goals. Priorities and goals are almost the same in a way that both are the ultimate targets and aims of each individual. Some useful tips to set goals and manage time: Here are several simple, logical and practical tips and guidelines to help you set goals and eventually manage your time better. The more you talk about your plan, the greater self motivation you will get. If you want to discuss it with friends, do so. They will be able to help you make a decision. Just remember, however, that it is ultimately your decision because it is YOUR life. Don't let others decide for you. 3. Come up with alternatives. Go for something that is tangible and concrete. Something you can actually experience and proudly present to everyone. You wouldn't want a shutdown of your own business, would you? 3. Put it into writing. Decide where you company should be for the next year. Effective business goal setting needs to be detailed and put into writing.
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