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Expert help Many other fitness goal setting programs would certainly demand an expert or professional advice. Because losing weight and gaining more muscles are too complicated concepts that would involve various health issues and discipline, expert and professional advice would do a lot to carry the programs out, safely and effectively. Otherwise, the efforts to achieve the set of goals would be futile and inutile despite a good and strong set of motivation and determination. Overall, motivation should, at the same time with goals, get athletes going with greater and more significant focus. Otherwise, measures and actions should be done, or goals reset, to help the athlete attain the much needed concentration. A hundred theories have been presented trying to explain why such situations happened, but, hey, if you base everything on rhetoric, then you really wouldn't get anywhere. Go for something that is tangible and concrete. Something you can actually experience and proudly present to everyone. You wouldn't want a shutdown of your own business, would you? The discussion could facilitate a venue where each members can meet half way and reach a consensus about how they could effectively meet targets and goals. Set the goals for the team. Make sure the goals are clear and acceptable to each of the sports team member. Remember, victory and success of the team would certainly be a collective effort, that is why no one should be ever left out when it comes to the important task of goal setting. Be it a personal goal, career or professional goal, and even business planning, bringing this down into a paper will the practitioner to see the planned goal factually. But some important aspect of this "writing" process is omitted. In writing, just like in thinking, there are many steps. And if it is the first step of thinking, usually the "warm-up" period that is committed into writing, then the problem is in the making. By doing so, bear in mind always your goals and arrange your schedule in a way that the achievement of these goals would be attained. Determine the things or activities that need to be done or carried out in order to attain priorities and goals. By doing so, you would inevitably consider and think about the time frame needed to perform the tasks. 

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