For others, career goal setting is no more than a few minutes of talking it out with some friends, or silently thinking about it, albeit melancholy, over a bottle of beer. But the best way of setting your career goal is during your most rational periods. After all, what you are about to set is a career goal that either will spell disaster to your life, or will bring endless blessings. It's common to see "tips" in almost everything to be set in two folds: the do's, and the don'ts. You wont need the don'ts. It will only confuse your goal and is in violation of the first principle. 3. Prioritize. If you're up to something bigger, and even a simple one, chances are that you must come up with a list of several goals. Achievable Of course, when setting employee goals, you should make sure that the goals set are achievable. Otherwise, the planning stage would only made futile and ineffective. Time would only be wasted on thinking and devising ways to achieve company goals that would, in the first place, be impossible to achieve. When this happens, it might be because you failed to set a personal goal for your general guidance. Without a clear-cut personal goal, you will feel adrift in an endless sea, undecided on what to do with your talents and other gifts. Personal goal is one discipline of study under the goal setting theory. And if it is the first step of thinking, usually the "warm-up" period that is committed into writing, then the problem is in the making. This is so because goals can be easily lost in myriad of letters in written form. There are even instances that if someone is tired, simply looking at several pages of paper can be a stressful exercise. By measuring progress and development in one endeavour, you are given the chance to improve and do more when the gauge indicates there are still more effort needed. Failure Another importance of goal setting techniques and measures is opening you to the possibility of failure. By being open about the idea, you are made open minded and receptive to the various and possible causes of pending failures.
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