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How to get rid of bad breath naturally? - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

As you might have already p[resumed, a healthy and clean tongue is marked with the absence of this materials and can observably show pinkish to reddish surface. This residue from the accumulation of food materials could be good breeding places for certain bacteria that would further aggravate the condition of bad breath. Bacteria that cause bad breath breed on dry mouth. This is the reason why it is advisable to people with bad breath to drink plenty of water to moisten the mouth. Mouthwash is effective if used correctly and if the alcohol content does not dry your mouth. Infomercial items. Buying products that are said to "fight bad breath" from infomercials can do you more harm than good. Lots of practices have been produced to combat one of the many health plagues of mankind- bad breath. This is obvious with the plethora of products, tools, devices and offers for therapy and treatment that could face you in your search for one effective treatment. If you are wondering if those weird-looking devices you have encountered lately are included in the list, well there's one definite answer to that- yes! To refresh your memory, here are bad breath prevention tips and facts to remember. Maintaining a good oral hygiene can prevent bad breath A good oral hygiene starts the moment you develop your first set of teeth. Although you cannot bring back that time, it is not too late you to begin taking care of your teeth. Smoking and other medications can cause problems to salivary glands which can lead to chronic dry mouth. Tobacco products Aside from the effect to salivary glands, smoking tobacco products itself can cause bad breath. And since tobacco can cause periodontal disease, bad breath is more likely to smokers than the non-smokers. Apart from the stagnation of the saliva for a longer time, people who are accustomed to mouth breathing during sleep are more likely to have fouler morning breath as they would encourage the production of bacteria. Note that anaerobic implies that these bacteria only live in non-oxygenated environments. 

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