Here, the lungs would, in the process, exhale the sulfur compounds. Thus, the smell emanates form the mouth. Additionally, the tongue itself would trap in some of the odor in the same way if we rub onion or garlic on the sole of our feet or the palm of our hands. With this principle in mind, we could get rid of bad breath through avoiding the consumption of these foods. But no matter how quick or how long you brush your teeth, it does not ensure that you will no longer have bad breath. Since bad breath is caused by several factors like the food you eat and some medical condition, it does not guarantee that brushing alone will prevent bad breath. The unpleasant odor from your mouth is not entirely coming from your teeth. Soon, you have a whiter teeth and fresher breath. 3. Use dental floss. Aside from brushing your teeth and using homemade toothpaste, use dental floss at least once a day. This ensures that the food particles hidden in between your teeth are removed. Food particles when left out inside your mouth can breed bacteria that breakdown sugar and protein and produces volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) which cause bad breath. The onset of these diseases is triggered by the foods you eat, liquid you drink or anything you put in your mouth that can potentially cause bad breath like tobacco products. Bad breath also happens when you miss cleaning your teeth before you go to bed or simply, do not clean your teeth and tongue as you should. Sunflower seeds and water A handful of sunflower seeds (chewed) and followed by a glass of water can remove any after taste in your mouth. A hot cup of tea (unsweetened) This has been a practice in India. Drinking a hot cup of tea can remedy bad breath caused by dry mouth or morning breath. Spoon Well if you don t bother to do anything to remedy your bad breath, but you don t have a tongue cleaner, then why not use a tablespoon? It may be due particularly to the addition of eucalyptol and thymol in commercial products. Both are volatile oils that are capable of inhibiting the growth of the active anaerobic bacteria that produce the smell due to the sulfur compounds they manufacture. In line with this, other volatile oils are incorporated into dental products nowadays to create similar effects.
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