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What Causes Bad Breath?

This also causes accumulation of bacteria particularly in between teeth and posterior tongue. Certain types of food and drinks also affect the kind of breath we breathe. Foods such as cabbage, onion, and garlic are known to contain oil that runs to the bloodstream and makes us exhale bad odor. Coffee and soda are known to cause bad breath as well. The distinct bad breath odor is caused by VSCs or volatile sulphur compounds. VSCs are produced when anaerobic bacteria breeding on the surface of the tongue, in between teeth, and the spaces of the tongue break down of sugar and protein that are actually This is the reason why the whole mouth should be cleaned and not only the teeth. Then, gurgle with your home made mouthwash for 30 seconds. Do it once in the morning and once before you sleep. Lukewarm water Plain and simple. Gurgle it before you go to bed. Add a pinch of salt if you want to. Sometimes, we often forget that the things we can see around our kitchen are more effective in eliminating bad breath than those that are available commercially. Anaerobic bacteria, by their nature, can have optimized survival when they are in environments with lesser oxygen level. Thus, when the mouth dries due to mouth breathing and several medical conditions that brings about the same effects, they are likely to multiply and spread more. This would likely end up with higher release of volatile sulfur compounds that, as we have already mentioned, are agents for releasing foul odor through the process of disintegrating chemical compounds and mouth debris. If you want a more comprehensive form of examination, you can of course pay a visit to your local dentist and see if your doubts can be confirmed. Yet, you also have the choice of not seeking professional advance. For one, you may try scraping the white or yellow film covering the surface of your tongue. These food particles will decompose. And like other decomposing matter on earth, food particles inside our mouth emit unpleasant odor. Food particles that remain in between teeth can lead to plaque buildup and tooth decay. Plaque buildup emits bad odor. Tooth decay can open some spaces around the dentures that will accommodate more food particles that can cause bad breath, not to mention the odor the decaying teeth emits. 

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