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How to Cure Bad Breath!

When a person skips meal, the salivary glands cease to work, thus, the increase in bacteria which cause bad breath. When a person does is dieting, he produces a chemical known as keto acids. High concentration of keto acids is called ketoacidosis. This has a distinctive fruity odor which is as well considered as bad odor. Using commercial toothpastes is okay if you are having bad breath attack after you eat your lunch but they may provide a temporary relief if you have more severe case of bad breath. 2. Make your own toothpaste. As an alternative to commercial toothpaste, you can use more effective and less expensive toothpaste you can easily make. This is basically because our body tends to become accustomed to its natural odors that it could ignore the background smells, such as bad breath. So how would you check if you have bad breath? If you want a more comprehensive form of examination, you can of course pay a visit to your local dentist and see if your doubts can be confirmed. Dentists and even commercial ads recommend that we should brush our teeth 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes (some say 3 minutes). This is not enough, though. We still have to use other dental products such as dental floss and mouthwash. Why? Tooth brushing may still leave food particles in our mouth especially in between our teeth since toothbrush cannot clean the entire surface area of the teeth especially the cavities. It might be due to some foods or beverages you have taken recently or certain medications for which the by products of decomposition are emanating through your mouth. But, what if yours is a chronic condition? What would you do? For one, bad breathe would not have been there if you were careful enough to observe proper oral hygiene. So, you have to make sure that you wash away these bacteria regularly and maintain a fresh breath. Chewing gum (sugarless) is recommended to stimulate the production of saliva that will wash away bacteria and other food particles. Refrain from drinking coffee, alcohol and soft drinks. Using fairly new toothbrush and other dental care products to ensure effective oral care. 

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