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Is Bad Breath a Sign of Stomach Cancer?

Who would have overlooked eucalyptus when talking about herbs for bad breath? Eucalyptus globules is contained in most commercial mouthwashes and toothpastes which only supports the idea that this is a good herb for bad breath. This contains eucalyptol that has the capacity to kill the sulfur-producing bacteria thriving inside the mouth. Place the cloves, parsley and powdered goldenseal on boiling water. Stir it occasionally. Let it cool. Use it twice a day as mouthwash. You can also make a tea from the dried leaves of alfafa. Boil it on water to make a natural tea. This mineral-rich and chlorophyll-rich tea is effective in treating bad breath. Food particles when left out inside your mouth can breed bacteria that breakdown sugar and protein and produces volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) which cause bad breath. 4. Clean your tongue. The best way to treat bad breath is to attack the area where bacteria are heavily breeding. Clean your tongue with tongue cleaner/scraper. So if you are a parent or taking care of a child, you must realize the things that you should do in order to prevent bad breath in children. To begin with, let us discuss the causes of bad breath. This will enable us to determine the things your child should avoid and the things your child should do to prevent the occurrence of bad breath. Such disease include kidney failure, lung liver failure, lung infection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia, Smoking tobacco products, eating certain foods such as onion and garlic, drinking soda and coffee, and using mouthwash with too much alcohol content can cause bad breath as well. There are certain vegetables and spices containing pungent oil (cabbage, garlic and onion are some of these) that when digested will mix to our bloodstream. It will then go to different parts of our body including our lungs. The pungent oil is released to our mouth. Bad breath caused by these foods will disappear when the oil is completely removed from our system. 

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