Before going to bed, dissolve a pea-sized piece of myrrh in your mouth. Lemon. It removes garlic or onion breath. Suck a wedge of lemon with a pinch of salt. Cloves. Cloves contain natural antiseptic that is effective in treating bad breath. There are 2 ways to use it. Chewing whole cloves is one. The other is making a tea from it. Chronic Bad Breath Explained Chronic bad breath is a heath condition that is characterized by prolonged odorous breath. This is often caused by periodontal diseases. The onset of these diseases is triggered by the foods you eat, liquid you drink or anything you put in your mouth that can potentially cause bad breath like tobacco products. Aside from the smoker's breath, substances such as nicotine, tar and odor-producing compounds could accumulate in the soft tissues of the mouth and the area surrounding the teeth. On the other hand, there are dental conditions that are seen as the main causes for producing bad breath. The putrefaction of the teeth would create optimized environment for the breeding of the bacteria. It results to tooth decay, gum problems such as gingivitis, and plaque. This also causes accumulation of bacteria particularly in between teeth and posterior tongue. Certain types of food and drinks also affect the kind of breath we breathe. Foods such as cabbage, onion, and garlic are known to contain oil that runs to the bloodstream and makes us exhale bad odor. Alcohol contributes to dry mouth. Dry mouth is where bacteria thrive most and bad breath begins. 4. Visit your dentist to treat oral problems. Bad breath is sometimes caused by plaque and cavities of your teeth. Let your dentist take care of your dentures to remove your tooth decay. 5. Eat low fat diet, fruits and vegetables. A Look on the Reasons for Bad Breath Contrary to what we were oriented to when we were younger, bad breath has various causes that could be truly disturbing. We are not making big issues here regarding the "supposed" integral components of growing up. We all have shed our first teeth and each went their own way in distinct processes.
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