Any foreign object trapped in the nose of your child can prevent a free flow of air on the nostrils which makes breathing hard. This also forces your child to breathe to his mouth and will, in turn, dry his mouth. 2. Periodontal diseases. Bad breath is also associated with periodontal diseases such as tooth decay, gingivitis, and plaque. Finding the cause of your condition. Bad breath could only be stopped if you know where to start. And knowing where to start relies on knowing the cause of bad breath. Bad breath is usually caused by poor oral hygiene. This means that you do not clean your teeth and your mouth the way you should or you are not treating your teeth and mouth the way they should be treated. Thus you can never tell if you have bad breath or not only by smelling your own breath. Now, how can you tell if you have bad breath or not? The simplest way is by asking a 5-year old child. They never lie. Or, you can use a halimeter. This is a device that tells you the amount of VSCs present in your mouth. Too few are effective enough to ensure a patient from eliminating the dryness of the mouth. There are other reasons for bard breath aside from what we have already stated above. Some include those with non-oral origins and others are related with psychological disorders. Halitophobia, an interesting condition is marked by the presence of compulsive ideas that constantly plague the thoughts of a person, for whether he truly has bad breath or not. Chronic Bad Breath Explained Chronic bad breath is a heath condition that is characterized by prolonged odorous breath. This is often caused by periodontal diseases. The onset of these diseases is triggered by the foods you eat, liquid you drink or anything you put in your mouth that can potentially cause bad breath like tobacco products. Soon, you have a whiter teeth and fresher breath. 3. Use dental floss. Aside from brushing your teeth and using homemade toothpaste, use dental floss at least once a day. This ensures that the food particles hidden in between your teeth are removed. Food particles when left out inside your mouth can breed bacteria that breakdown sugar and protein and produces volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) which cause bad breath.
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