Thus, when the mouth dries due to mouth breathing and several medical conditions that brings about the same effects, they are likely to multiply and spread more. This would likely end up with higher release of volatile sulfur compounds that, as we have already mentioned, are agents for releasing foul odor through the process of disintegrating chemical compounds and mouth debris. Well, these people have good reasons for that. Obviously, a number of modern devices don t truly pave the way for curing the condition. They just offer temporary and often, ineffective solutions. Secondly, nature is the best resource for the most effective treatments for bad breath and other health conditions. Myth #4 Good dental hygiene effectively cures bad breath Tooth brushing and dental floss can indeed cure bad breath. But since many believe that by doing such things, they can be free from bad breath, the meaning of "good oral hygiene" is misinterpreted. It is not enough to brush your teeth. When we eat, we absorb the sulfur compounds contained in the food. Then, these compounds will be driven into the main bloodstream that runs back towards the lungs. Here, the lungs would, in the process, exhale the sulfur compounds. Thus, the smell emanates form the mouth. Additionally, the tongue itself would trap in some of the odor in the same way if we rub onion or garlic on the sole of our feet or the palm of our hands. These include canker sores, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, strep throat, nasal discharge, and sinusitis. Nasal infection or colds can force someone to breathe through his mouth which quickly dries the mouth and cause bacteria to breed. Internal organ failures can manifest themselves through bad breath. It should be cleared though that you are not discouraged to eat or drink diary product but if you have chronic bad breath, try to lessen your intake or better yet, clean your mouth immediately after eating or drinking any dairy product. Coffee is another liquid that can contribute to chronic bad breath.
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