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How to Do Finger Walking | Reflexology


It is also important to get the doctor's diagnoses before making up your own therapies and lose precious time pressing the wrong points. The thin line just below the stem of the toes lays the area where the tops of the shoulders are represented and pressing this area will also help relieve strain. The side arc of the foot represents the entire length of the spine. Even devoted reflexologists refuse to advise an entire therapy around reflexology because mainstream medicine is still respected as the default medication for all. In essence, reflexology is simply a therapy to release stress. The pressure points release hormones that induce the body into a relaxed state. The shoulder tops, chest, lungs, heart and upper back are all represented on the area just below the knuckles of the hands and on the midfoot. This area should remind us of the upper torso of the human body. Interestingly, pressure points of internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, heart and diaphragm are all located in the inside of the palm or on the soles of the feet as if it is the 'inside' of the body. A healthy body cannot be achieved unless one is of a happy mind. A happy mind is also achieved through spirituality. Ayurveda also encourages the use of herbal medicines as a result of our harmonious coexistence with nature. It focuses on the prevention of illnesses rather than cure. Daily massage is an inherent part of the Ayurvedic healing. But there is one segment in this practice that also calls for reflexology on the ear. This kind of practice is believed by practitioners as not part of traditional reflexology. For them, this is just modified from auricular therapy which is more related to acupuncture. So what can be expected from reflexology? So what exactly happens during the initial meeting of the person and the therapist? Well the most basic thing that happens is that the therapist will do some background medical checks on the person. And at this stage, the therapist will consider if indeed reflexology is the answer for the person. And if the therapist learns that this is the first time that the person is taking the session, and then the practitioner may explain the nature of the therapy and the benefits. 

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