The magnetic field that is being generated by the magnets goes deep into the body and helps improve blood circulation, alleviate pain and help the body deal with the ailment. With this in mind, it is therefore very important in magnetic therapy to guide your magnets to the right position in order to achieve great results. Placements Another consensus is that the magnet should be as close as possible to the affected body part. The magnet can be taped to the skin. One way of doing it is to slip the magnet inside a bandage over the injured area. The second method is to use a wrapping device that has magnets embedded in it. Magnet Therapy And Ailments By now, the magnets in magnet therapy had been recognized by many (excluding the formal medical community) to have the healing powers to relieve physical pain and alleviate the symptoms of many common ailments. To date, these ailments include arthritis, Fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pains, sciatica and general muscle aches and pains. Since it could help in improving blood circulation, more oxygen is distributed in the cells. The cells would release more toxins. 5. In addition to toxins that the body would shed because of magnetic therapy, you could also shed some pounds while on therapy. 6. Toxins and body waste are expelled by the body regularly since magnet therapy could improve bowel movements. The simple rule is that the north-pointing pole gives energy, while the south-pointing pole takes in energy. These facts have to be put into the context of the various illnesses. An inflammation or a tight muscle or pain is considered a congestion of energy. The south pole point of the magnet can withdraw that energy out. The results showed statistically significant improvements in the treatment group, especially in bladder control, hand function, and muscle spasticity. Low back and knee pain Another trial (double-blind, placebo controlled) of 54 people with knee or back pain compared a complex static magnet array against a sham magnet array.
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