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Dr. Yu Chen magnets and magnetic therapy


It had also been observed that injuries register a south-positive energy at the time of the injury itself. In the healing process, the injured site registers a north-negative energy. It is here that the north-negative magnetic field was discovered to possess healing qualities. Some precautions Because the body s own electromagnetic fields are affected by the weakest of magnets, several precautions are given in the use of magnets. Magnet therapy can help those who are suffering from arthritis. Through the use of magnets, the pain can be treated by increasing the circulation of the blood. Actually, it is not only arthritis that magnets can heal. There are also users who have testified the effectiveness of magnets on carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis. Usually, the type of ailment determines the type and strength of the biomagnets used in the treatment. Also considered are the following conditions: the length of time the patient had the illness, the severity, the area of the body and the patient s sensitivity. Sensitivity to magnet therapy sometimes causes light-headedness, sleepiness, headaches and itching. Stress There are different causes of stress: major causes could be financial troubles, work related issues, family, relationships woes, and death. But whatever the reason is, stress effects could be serious without management. There are different studies showing that stress could weaken your immune system, high blood pressure, anxiety, heart diseases and even in some cases, cancer. Diet books, exercise videos, weight loss camps for children, adult facilities, weight loss surgeries, nutritionist diet plans, hospital-clinic diet plants, diet pills, health clubs are low-calorie dinners are among weight-reduction products and items that American spend their money on. However, people are also becoming more conscious with their health that more people are trying to look for drug-free or alternative methods to address health issues. But for now, the therapeutic use of magnets remains under the alternative and complementary category. Nonetheless, based on the increasing number of people who use magnets as complementary treatment it would be best for them to know at least the basic Dos and Donts of magnetic therapy. As you probably already know, magnetic therapy uses the magnetic fields to help relieve pain and induce healing. 

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