Studies had shown that magnets had been an effective therapy for pain relief through the method of blocking pain sensations. Applying magnetic fields to an injured area improves blood flow and oxygen which in turn enhances the body s natural healing process. With the improved blood flow and the fluid exchange to the injured tissue helps reduce pain and inflammation. The magnets are also known to help prevent muscle stiffness and muscle spasms. And finally, the magnetic field can go to the cellular level and helps prevent pain from ending up to the brain. Magnetic therapy is therefore a little bit like pain killers but without the side effects. The therapy is ideally performed in the mornings. Some scientists and practitioners also believe that the body, after a time, will accommodate to the magnetic field, thereby reducing its efficiency. To prevent such incidences (irritation and accommodation), the practitioners recommend intermittent use of the magnets. (5 days on, 2 days off or 12 hours on and 12 hours off, etc. Prohibitions Biomagnets are prohibited for use on pregnant women, patients with epileptic histories, taking some blood-thinning medications or if there is some internal bleeding. They are not to be used on patients with a pacemaker or some other metal implants. Care should also be taken in the use of magnets on infants and children as well as the use on the eyes, brain or over the heart for all ages. (The north-pointing end is the North Pole and the opposite should be the South Pole.) Characteristics of magnets Flat ceramic or neodymium magnets are the best therapeutic magnets. (U-shaped magnets are not very good for therapy. (Short, cylindrical or bar magnets can be used.) The north-pointing pole has strengthening, stimulating qualities and overall, it gives energy. These days, experts on magnet therapy had compiled some guidelines on how to use magnets correctly. Magnetic poles Magnets have dual poles, the south and the north-pointing ends. The simple rule is that the north-pointing pole gives energy, while the south-pointing pole takes in energy. These facts have to be put into the context of the various illnesses.
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