The studies are not that conclusive since the results showed improvement, the effects or the statistics are too minimal be considered significant like in the study published in the The New York Times in 2009 by Anahad O Conner. Although, there are medical professionals and institutions who are still sceptical of the effects and benefits of magnets on arthritis, the number of people who are interested in trying out the alternative method are increasing. It is possible that you feel some nausea if you do so. But some would suggest that you eat or drink hot foods and hot liquids before your treatment. The hot food and liquid will keep the body warm during the magnetic treatment. If you do need to take meals, do the therapy at least after two hours of eating a full meal. 1. Magnet Therapy In ancient civilizations like those of found in China, Egypt, India and Greece, magnets are already used to heal different forms of illnesses. When thinking about magnet therapy, magnets used are different from those we have on our refrigerator doors. Household magnets, like those in fridge, only have 10 gauss (used in measuring magnet power). The two-pole configuration is deemed better to treat injuries like wrist sprains. Additionally, some practitioners believe that the north side of the magnet calms a person while the south end stimulates. From a scientific view, however, there seems to be no differences between the two poles as to their effects on body tissues. There were no clear instructions on many things. These days, experts on magnet therapy had compiled some guidelines on how to use magnets correctly. Magnetic poles Magnets have dual poles, the south and the north-pointing ends. The simple rule is that the north-pointing pole gives energy, while the south-pointing pole takes in energy. Its side-effects or long term impact on the patient s health is something to worry about. This is why a lot of patients are trying to look for alternative and natural methods of healing. One of these methods is magnet therapy. Magnet therapy is actually not something new. As early as 2000 BC, magnet healing was already used in Chinese, and other early civilizations.
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