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Magnetic Therapy Sheet by Dura-Tech.


And those half of the affected Americans, tend to believe that there is nothing that could help them relieve the pain. When it comes to arthritis, the magnets can increase the oxygen circulation. Oxygen is very important in revitalizing and the healing process of the body. It would help in releasing toxins and remove excess calcium in the joints. The simple rule is that the north-pointing pole gives energy, while the south-pointing pole takes in energy. These facts have to be put into the context of the various illnesses. An inflammation or a tight muscle or pain is considered a congestion of energy. The south pole point of the magnet can withdraw that energy out. Suspending the magnet on a thread and waiting for its ends to point somewhere is the easiest way to identify the poles. (The north-pointing end is the North Pole and the opposite should be the South Pole.) Characteristics of magnets Flat ceramic or neodymium magnets are the best therapeutic magnets. (U-shaped magnets are not very good for therapy. More oxygen and nutrients are then carried over to the affected area that results in the restoration of the normal ion concentration. This, in turn, relieves the pain and the swelling, and at the same time, promotes faster healing. Safety The World Health Organization itself had deemed that magnet therapy is safe. From the proponents of magnet therapy, the claim is that it is a non-invasive treatment method with a high success rate. Short history There may have been a revival of sorts regarding the role of magnets in a person s health and well-being, but this association goes a long way into the past. For over 2,000 years, magnet therapy in China had occupied a central role in Chinese medicine. It has been found out that the negative north pole charge stops the development of growth and infection while the positive south pole assists in tissue growth. With this in mind, it is recommended that you use the negative charge north pole of magnets to fight infections such as the common cold and use on inflammations. 

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