Below ROME II standards, symptom s of the patients were identified with the help of data collected for about 12 weeks All the 12 weeks of the former years are taken, the standards measured and thus can check whether the patients who suffer from it have pain in the abdomen which could be lightened by defecation, following with frequency and appearance of stools. Moreover you also need to take care of the timing of eating your food and also your mood at the time of eating a specific food. The list you make should be met with proper routine and you need to check it regularly. The most suitable time is at the night, at which you can collect detailed list of the whole day. Moreover smoking continuously will lead to colorectal cancer in the long run. Inhaling or intake of tobacco will bring the tobacco directly to colon and increase the size of mucous membrane which surrounds the colon called as polyp. As the size of the polyp increases, the potential growth of cancerous tissue also increase, thus will result in cancer. It is generally identified with the aid of the medical records of the patient staring from the root/origin and thereby measuring up the symptom as enveloped by the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There is no clear test that is especially made for evaluating irritable bowel syndrome. Several findings are used, nevertheless, to sort out this disease over other specifies. Instead it can be cured with changes in one's usual lifestyle, intake of food and stress Let us check out some methods to tackle Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Several people undergo stress when they have Irritable Bowel Syndrome sets on. However biofeedback has helped people for several years. This type of stress producing method will help in decreasing the tautness of the muscle to ease a much lesser heart beat with the measurement of feedback by the machine. Alternative Therapy According to the proof, studies have found out that the stress and mental life has got a great impact on Irritable bowel Syndrome. This is possibly the reason by which alternate treatment is preferred by people. Alternative therapy comprises of several remedies like Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, yoga etc ,all of which are not related to Allopathic.
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