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#7 FIX YOUR Irritable Bowel syndrome


As people feel that the Syndrome can be treated they doesn't give much significance to these methods. Some does not go for any treatment thinking that, in due course of time they will get rid of it and these people go on suffering without taking initiative. By changing one word for another makes a big difference. With the fat intake immediately the intestinal tract or colon will start shrinking, thereby ending in a stomach ache. As IBS is highly interconnected with the operations of intestine, this type of action will further induce the symptom of IBS. Caffeinated drinks: Even decaffeinated coffee drinks consist of an enzyme that can cause irritation to your gut. Natural/Organic ways of controlling IBS Rubbing colon, relaxing both body come mind and using fiber rich food are some of the natural therapy that are used in case of treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The colonic rubbing or massage can be carried out while you are in lavatory, while you are taking rest and by bending your knees. Basically tobacco affects all portions of digestive system. Heart burn, reflux, certain types of ulcers are the after effects of tobacco which the patients of IBS may develop. As smoking causes the acidic food to go backward i.e. upward and down into the portion of oesophagus, they destroy the sphincter muscles. it is named as a psychosomatic disease. Most of the patients undergo only mild symptoms. It is unusual that they have any severe symptom. But as a result of stress and depression which follows this syndrome, people find it subdued as more painful than what they should actually suffer. The only best thing about IBS is that it wont extend in further worsening the situation or condition unless and unlike in ulcerative colitis like Crohn's disease. The needles will stimulate the pressure points of the body, thereby energizing life force and thus Qi become more balanced Acupuncture also aid to relieve stress and relax yourself and reduce pain, though the procedure is quite painless. As the needles used for the purpose are too small and never cause any pain they will work out well. 

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