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Wafia - Heartburn


This will record the level of acidity in the lower of esophagus. This method is called Esophageal pH Monitoring, which can be sued to document acid reflux in real time. In the mechanical method, the doctor will try a method called Manometry. This method is where the doctor will insert a pressure sensor or a manometer through the mouth and in to the esophagus. Today, 5 to 15 percent of the adult population experiences severe cases of heartburn. Home remedies will only provide temporary or partial relief and chronic heartburn should be taken seriously as this can really have a negative effect on your life. So, just what is heartburn and why should you be worried if you experience this condition? Aside from heartburn, GERD has other possible symptoms, such as belching, bad breath and inflamed gums. You can treat GERD with H2 antagonists, proton pump inhibitors, and antacids. Another contributing factor for heartburn is Hiatal Hernia. This can also cause you to experience persistent heartburn or pyrosis and if it is already affecting your quality of life, surgical intervention may be needed to treat the problem. When this happens, you will feel a burning sensation that starts on your diaphragm and work its way up to your chest. And, in most cases, you will even regurgitate and experiencing having a sour or bitter taste on your mouth. This is mainly the stomach acid reaching your mouth. Heartburn is painful and it can really stop you from doing any of your daily activities. Because of this, the stomach produces more acid in order to digest these types of foods properly, which is primarily what you don t want to happen as it will increase the likelihood of experiencing heartburn. So, lifestyle modification is needed in order for you to prevent heartburn or at least lessen its frequency. This will lessen your stomach s production of acid, which will help in managing heartburn. You should also try to avoid foods that weaken the sphincter. You have to keep in mind that the sphincter acts as a valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. When you eat certain foods that weaken or relax the sphincter, it will allow stomach acid to reach the esophagus, which ultimately causes heartburn. 

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