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Migraine headaches

The most popular triggers for headache are usually lifestyle-related like poor and unbalanced diet, unmanaged stress, recurrent muscle tension, and lack of regular physical activity or exercise. Aside from these, headache can also be a result of more serious disorders like brain tumor. If you are one of those who experiences headaches often, maybe it s now time to extend your knowledge about the common illness and discover what you can do to totally eliminate headache in your life. Unlike a flu, the tension headache cannot be detected and this will just happen. It will occur in the late afternoon or in the evening if the employee is pulling long hours on a project. If it is a minor tension headache, the individual can ride it out with a glass of water and a few breathing exercises. - Develop a routine of deep breathing exercises. If you suffer from headaches very often, try sitting in a darkened room, take in deep breaths using your nose, and let it pass through your mouth. - Experience the wonders of acupressure. By squeezing the web of skin between and the thumb through acupressure, it can reduce the pains and can help you relax. Various eye problems greatly contribute to headache. Visit your optometrist or ophthalmologist is your eyes need glasses or contact lenses already. 8. Lack of sleep and bad sleeping habits. Without enough sleep, your body is always tired. Muscle tension can build up which leads to headaches. Try to get enough hours of sleep and make sure that you eliminate bad sleeping habits such as using too many pillow or pulling a blanket over your to avoid having a headache. Other causes of severe headache migraine, a condition that occurs and recurs in patterns; sinusitis that is a severe pain experienced behind your cheek bones or above the bridge of your nose usually associated with a blocked nose. steam and painkillers that should relieve the symptoms but if taken in wrong dosages can lead to severe and throbbing pain, fevers that are untreated like flu, tonsillitis, chest infections and the like, neuralgia or due to the irritation of the nerve that produces pain sensation in response to outside activities, and glaucoma or other acute eye problems that most of the time lead to severe frontal headaches and deteriorating eyesight. High Blood Pressure Can Cause Headaches Being overweight, drinking a lot of alcohol and not eating right contribute to high blood pressure. The person may not notice anything wrong now but in a few years, this will come in the form of a stroke that could either kill or leave anyone paralyzed. Studies reveal that this affects more than 50 million Americans with about 30% still unaware what could happen in the future. 

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