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Headache, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Migraine does not announce itself in a set of early symptoms. The recurring headaches just happen, often catching the person by surprise. There is however one kind where in the person may see a visual hallucination, called an aura, before the actual migraine headache occurs. This kind is called the classic migraine headache. Make sure that you read the label of any medication that you plan to take. Different drugs can have different reactions and it would be helpful if you know beforehand what type of drugs that you have allergic reactions to. When taking such drugs, try also to remember not to exceed the required dose as instructed. The Pain of Clusters Cluster headache is a severe, debilitating pain that attacks one cluster of the head, usually above an eyelid or at the temple. The pain is usually characterized as being repeatedly stabbed in the eye with an ice pick. When the pain attacks, one may notice the drooping of the lids from the affected eye as well as nasal congestion on the affected side. Aside from bruxism, another headache-related dental problem is known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD) a cycle of pain, muscle spasms, and joint imbalance that involves the jaw and the skull and results to interruption of bones, cartilage and muscle activity. You can ask your dentist to evaluate this situation and recommend treatment options to solve the problem. But when the headache becomes worse, make sure that you visit your health care provider because it can also be an indication of more serious illnesses like meningitis or the inflammation of the meninges or membrane around a person s brain; sub-arachnoid haemorrhage due a bleeding in the space between the brain and the arachnoid layer of the meninges, stroke, blood pressure, brain tumor, and temporal arteritis due to the inflammation of the arteries in the scalp. Treating migraine Prevention is still the number one treatment for migraine. The best way is to make sure that one avoids the factors that may trigger the attack. One of those factors is stress. By learning to relax a bit and do some stress management, one can prevent migraine headaches from recurring. 

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