Just make sure that the discus fish are the largest fish in the tank. When it comes to their food, discus fish can be fed with aquarium foods. You can feed the discus fish with frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. Adult discus fish can be fed once a day but juvenile ones should be fed at least 3 times a day. For younger discus fish, you should feed them about four times daily, older fish only needs to be fed twice a day. Growing fishes need the food more. Discus fish should also be fed live or frozen food from time to time. As they re carnivorous, this will add protein to their diet, protein they need to stay healthy. Some use certain plants while some say that an overturned pot will do. Do vary the diet of your discus fish. When your fish are breeding, a varied diet is important to boost their reproductive system upping their chances of spawning. Aside from the pellets and granules, you can also feed the breeders bloodworms and brine, fresh or frozen as discus fish are carnivorous fishes. Helpful Tips to Keep Your Discus Fish Alive and Healthy For Many Years Discus Fish is one of the most popular types of fish to have as a pet. They are very colorful and they also live for a few years. They are freshwater fish native to the Amazon River basin and are very popular as aquarium fish. In fact, Discus Fish are so popular that in several Asian countries, breeding this kind of fish is a major industry. Before, because of its limited supply, only a selected few would be able to get their hands on a discus fish, let alone a handful of them, luckily today, many are now able to get their hands on them, and if you re one of those lucky persons, then you should know how to provide them a good environment so that they can leave healthy and stress free. With the right knowledge, you will be able to maintain this beautiful fish for many years to come. The first thing that you need to remember about Discus Fish is that they love to swim. They need to have some space to roam around in the aquarium. Because of this fact, you have to keep one Discus Fish for every 10 gallons of water.
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