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Discus fish care guide

Lastly, you have to remember to feed your Discus Fish with pellets, flakes and worms. Porkhearts and beefhearts are suitable feeds for Discus Fish. For adult Discus Fish, you will need to feed them two to three times a day. Also, make sure that clean any uneaten foods as these things will secrete ammonia which can eventually increase the PH level. Lastly, you have to take a look at the aquarium chemistry. Make sure that you ask the dealer about the current water condition that the Discus Fish you plan on buying is currently living in. This will give you a good idea on how to set up your aquarium and also help you if the dealer of the fish knows what they re doing. This doesn t mean though that once you have your tank, filled it up with water, and purchased your feed then your all done. There are still quite a few things that you have to do to ensure that they will live a long time and save you the anxiety of having to buy new fish every time. The big news is, most fishes, including the discus fish, maybe even more so, develop health conditions because of stress. But, the odds are that in those six to eight young discus fish, you will be able to get at least a pair or two. The best thing about this option is that at this age, the discus fish doesn t command a high price yet. It will take some time though before you will be able to discover if you have hit the jackpot. These things will serve as a place to hide for your discus fish. Also, you have to remember that discus fish are quite sensitive to noise. So, you may want to put them in a place in your home where there is less traffic and less noise. Avoid putting your discus fish aquarium in areas in your home where it receives a lot of traffic, such as your living room. By giving them the proper water condition they need to thrive, you can be sure that your discus fish will be able to live for a very long time and they will also be a lot healthier and more active. The temperature of the water must be kept stable. In their natural home, discus fish usually thrives in water with temperatures between the range of 28 and 31 degrees Celsius. 

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