First off, you need to make sure that you have a pair, a male and a female discus fish, that is the most obvious part. To go about it, there are three viable options for you, but to be honest, some of these options may not be the best way to do so. Here are your options: First, is to buy young discus fish, bout six to eight of them. Secondly, and to some most importantly, your aquarium water should be strictly kept at a certain level, both in temperature and in pH level. You should also always keep your tank clean and soft, keep away heavy metals and invest in a good filtration system or purifying unit. Keep the water slow moving and with temperatures between 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. First off, you have to realize that the discus fish is not just like your ordinary goldfish, they can be quite costly and selling their fry has the possibility of making them money. You too can be able to venture in this, providing you know what you are doing. Some would say that breeding discus fish can be very difficult, well, if you make the most common, and sometimes most obvious mistakes, then you may just end up spending more and just plainly waste your time. So, try to change 50 percent of the water at least once a week and make sure that whenever you feed your discus fish, you need to clean or remove uneaten fish food. When breeding is successful, the fry should be separated from the adults in order to avoid letting them get infected by parasites from the adults. They need security of a school around them and getting them in groups will help in reducing their stress levels and also help in keeping them happy. Another advantage of keeping them in groups is that you are actually increasing their chances of mating and breeding and produce more discus fish, which you can keep or even sell for profit. Discus Fish prefer a tall sized tank. So, you will want to get a fish tank that is taller than longer. For example, you may want to get a tank that is 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide. A 35 gallon tank is a good size for Discus Fish. But, you should try getting a larger fish tank. Also, with larger tanks, maintaining water quality is a lot easier than smaller tanks.
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