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Discus Fish Tank Lighting || Aquarium Lighting Ideas || DIY Fish tank Lights

Many of these secrets are open secrets and can be easily learned from a multitude of sources. There are many books that can share these secrets with you and this is due to the rising popularity of the discus fish as an aquarium pet. Some people may find keeping discus fish very difficult while some find it easy, but it s all about discovering these secrets which spell the difference, and one of the biggest secrets is the environment which the discus fish lives in. Of course, like with other pets, you want your Discus Fish to be healthy and free from disease. So, here are some simple tips that will help you keep your Discus Fish alive and healthy for a very long time. For starters, you have to make sure that you keep at least six Discus Fish together. You have to remember that Discus Fish are shoaling fish, which means that you have to put them in groups. These two will dictate highly whether your discus fish will be able to spawn or let alone be healthy and live a long life. These two is the water where they live in and the food they ingest. Another minor aspect that should also be kept in mind prior to owning a discus fish is the tank mates that your discus fish will have. So only go to a trusted dealer. An adult discus fish is much more expensive because you re paying for the convenience. You don t have to wait anymore for them to grow up and you already get a head start at breeding the discus fish. So only go to a trusted dealer to ensure that you will indeed end up with a pair. The Basic Do s and Don ts in Discus Fish Breeding Having a fish tank at your home not only increases the aesthetics and the ambience of your home, it also provides you an avenue to relieve stress. Many homeowners which have aquariums in their houses swear to the fact that aquariums provides them with a sense of calmness, but of course, the fish inside the tank does a lot to make this happen. As for the tank itself, you have to keep it clean and simple. Never overcrowd the fish tank with ornaments. A few plants and rocks will do as it will serve as places for them to hide. Also, you should remember to provide an area for them to lay their eggs on. This can be a slate or a vertical structure where discus fish are known to lay their eggs in. 

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