Unlike other normal household pets, fishes are much more fragile. The discus fish is geared more as a tool for visual enjoyment rather than being cuddly and playful, like a dog or cat. Aside from that, they need more looking after, providing them with an adequate environment where they can breed and live healthy. This will also help emulate their natural habitat more and both types of fishes flourish well in the same water conditions. You can also include most peaceful and slow moving South American fish as well as Dwarf Cichlids with the discus fish. However, you just do so if the other fish doesn t compete for space and food with the discus fish. After you understand the basics of keeping this kind of fish, you will see that it s quite easy to keep Discus Fish in your fish tank. First of all, you have to see to the water quality. In most cases, poor water quality is often the reason why people have difficulty in keeping Discus Fish. When it comes to water quality, try to think where the fish originated. You have to keep in mind that unlike most freshwater aquarium fishes, discus fish needs to be taken care of properly in order for them to grow healthy and happy even if they are not in their natural habitat. These are the reasons why you need to learn about the different care tips and techniques for discus fish. Basically, taking care of discus fish is not that hard. Although first timers will find it difficult to care for discus fish, you will soon get the hang of it and start taking care of discus fish easily. You have to remember that discus fish need very specific living conditions and diets. Many fish enthusiasts even say that beginners should not attempt to take care of this kind of fish as it will just frustrate them especially if they don t know what they are doing. This is why it is important that you monitor the water s chemistry every time you change the water in your discus fish aquarium. In most parts of the country, chlorine and chloramines are added to water supplies. And, as you can imagine, chlorine is a chemical that is not good for discus fish. Today, there are available test kits that you can use to test the water if these chemicals are present in the water and also how much of it is present in the water.
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